3 April 2015

40 Questions for April

I do like this little interview. I've done this a few times now and always find it useful. It's strange how my answers can sometimes surprise myself. Let me know if you give it a go, I'd love to read someone else's 40 answers. x

Making :     Finding time for Miss D's quilt again.
Cooking :    Not really, it's more sandwiches and salad just now.
Drinking :   Water.
Reading:     The Day Of The Flood - Margaret Atwood.
Wanting:     A new summery wardrobe.
Looking:     At these lovely light evenings.
Playing:     He-Man and Battlecat with Little C mostly.
Deciding:   What I am willing to pay for craft fairs/pop up  shops.
Wishing:     For a beachy holiday.
Enjoying:    The longer days and lighter evenings.
Waiting:     For my lottery numbers to come up.
Liking:      My new look Folksy page.
Wondering:   If I will be able to keep up the hot yoga.
Loving:      The holiday, a break from the school run.
Pondering:   What last minute Easter holiday plans to make.
Considering: Future plans for my studio space.
Watching:    Tremors - Still love that film!
Hoping:      To achieve a work/life balance in 2015
Marvelling:  At how quickly kids catch on to new things.
Needing:     A good holiday, no really, it's been a looong time.
Smelling:   Well...sweaty. It's the Bikram yoga, there is no avoiding the sweat.
Wearing:    Lycra most days unusually for me and summery skirts (with leggings).
Following:  Nothing new. I'd really like to find some new inspiring blogs.
Noticing:    A lot of bloggers, turning off their blogs, sadly.
Knowing:    That things are changing in small business craft. Can't put my finger on it, but change is afoot!
Thinking:    Time is flying by lately. Is it an age thing?
Feeling:     hmmmm....
Admiring:   Those with truly unique, new and innovative craft ideas when there is sooo much out there already.
Sorting:     Always sorting! Clothes, toys, shoes, more toys...
Buying:      Fabrics and threads.
Getting:     An Easter egg tomorrow I hope. (Just a little one).
Bookmarking: A label making company. I want new woven labels.
Disliking:   The recent rise in postal costs.
Opening:     Nothing much lately.
Giggling:    At this cheesy 90's classic. (see watching).
Feeling:     Aches in my muscles, but worth it.
Snacking:    Trying not too, I know boring isn't it.
Coveting:   So many things but keep eyeing up various craft courses.   
Helping:    Miss D with her own crafty projects, knitting and friendship bracelets.
Hearing:     Lots of 6 music lately.

12 March 2015

It's just a wallet!

Well, I was at that point in December when I was searching the shops for a new home for my cards, money, receipts, coupons, photos etc. It was driving me a little crazy. Big enough to keep all of my crap very important stuff in, but not too bulky. Patterned without being tacky and cheap looking. Robust without costing the earth. Pretty, which for me isn't something covered in shiny buckles or diamante. Nice on the inside. Am I too fussy? I did at one point say to myself 'it's just a wallet'. I nearly picked a 'well I suppose you'll do' wallet. But then...

I rarely start a new project in order to make something for myself, but it seems that was the only way I was going to get what I wanted. 

So here is my new wallet and I have to say I am very happy with it. This was the third version I made, I had to tweak the design quite a lot. I actually made the card slots a little tight with this one, which is why I've kept it for myself. 

Here are the first two attempts. I used the pink one for a while to see how I liked the overall design.

The main design change was the size and shape of the closure but I also had to do a lot of work to the inside structure to reduce the bulk and neaten everything up.

I've really enjoyed working on this pattern. The first products I ever sold were bags and I definitely thing I get the most satisfaction out of making bags and purses/wallets. I think it's because I'm very particular about what I like and find it so hard to shop for those kinds of things.

So...now that I am happy with the pattern I am happy to pop some into my Folksy shop, hurray! They're longish, but lovely and slim. I also tried to keep them nice and narrow as one of my pet hates is when you see a decent wallet in a shop but it's so bulky that you can't fit you're hand around it (and that's when it's empty). I know, I already admitted that I'm fussy!

What's that? You'd like a sneak peek? Oh go on then!

I'm hoping to have them in the shop for next week. If I don't list them soon then I'll be too tempted to keep them!! Oh and actually, the pink one is already spoken for.

So what do you look for in a wallet? Or is it,'just a wallet'? I'd love to know your thoughts. 

Riba x

5 December 2014

Ladies and monkeys and robots, oh my!

Okay I have a confession to make, one of my bad crafting habits is not finishing what I start. I often feel very excited about new ideas but run out of time. Then new ideas pop into my head and I end up moving onto a new project and thus the half finished things pile up! I guess it's partly the lack of time and the gaps between my studio/crafty hours (that sometimes just can't be helped) which are part of the problem. 

I had been thinking a lot recently about my crafting business, my brand and who I am as a designer/maker. I don't often take the time to do this but my work seemed to be somewhat all over the place.

However... it appears there is a theme. Ladies and monkeys and robots! Oh and flowers. Okay so not exactly a theme, but collections just unintentionally starting to form. 

I happened to be laying all of my work out in preparation for a craft fair (more about that soon). It's seems strange now but that was the first time that I have seen most of my products all together. I was secretly quite chuffed! And it all looked very me. It was encouraging to see that just making stuff that I love is sort of working. I don't think I need to over think my makes, I just need to enjoy the process.

Oh and this week I gave myself a stern talking to and finished off a whole load of nearly finished products. It felt good xxx

2 November 2014

Weekend wonders.

It's all a bit quiet on the Away With The Clouds front just now. I am pre-occupied with the panto sewing which I'm enjoying, but I have to say I always look forward to getting back to my own stuff. It's proving quite tricky to stay focused and not start doodling new ideas. But then if I don't get my ideas down then my sieve of a memory just loses them! Must be an age thing. 

 I've been working on this wee skull cap/mask pattern for the panto and couldn't resist trying them out on my willing little models. They actually loved them so I might make more for the Christmas stockings in some different fabrics. What do you think? I might think about a few for the shop!

26 October 2014

An interview with myself.

Hello, I'm sorry that I can't remember where I found this self questionaire. I saved the questions onto my computer some time ago,(probably more than a year ago). But feel free to copy them and have a go. It's nice to get a sense of where you are right now. x

Making: Costumes for panto 2014. Aladdin this year.
Cooking: Stews, it's that time of the year.
Drinking: Water, but also have a thing for peppermint tea just now.
Reading: Nothing, need a good recommendation! Any suggestions?
Wanting: More time for everything, family, work, play...
Looking: For ways to make some of my new ideas come to light.
Playing: With photo editing tools to try and improve my product pics.
Deciding: Whether or not to restock my Etsy shop.
Wishing: I could go on a shopping spree.
Enjoying: My new studio space. I'll tell you more about that soon!
Waiting: To finish panto costumes and work on all the new crafty ideas inside my head.
Liking: All the random bags people are now using for their shopping since the 5p bag charge came into force.
Wondering: If I'll ever make a decent income through craft.
Loving: The howling wind outside when I'm all cosy inside.
Pondering: What kind of gloves to by to save my freezing fingers when I do go outside.
Considering: Making Miss D a new scarf, but not sure if I have time. She could do with a new one just now.
Watching: A fair bit of BBC Alba. Hoping that some Gaelic sinks in.
Hoping: That I can keep my blog up to date this time.
Marvelling: At how much knowledge my little kids’ brains seem to be soaking up these days.
Needing: More time, time, time.
Smelling: Lots of naughty yummy food (that I'm trying to avoid) everywhere I go.
Wearing: Tights, it's also that time of the year now :)
Following: All my usual blogs
Noticing: How dark the days are now that the clocks have gone back.
Knowing: That there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Thinking: That I will need to start Christmas shopping quite soon, it's creeping up and I don't get much time to shop these days.
Feeling: Content
Admiring: How organised people can be with their social media, really, I am!
Sorting: The random piles of stuff accumulating around the house or at least I should be.
Buying: Some new bedding for Miss D once I find something nice.
Getting: My fashion groove back on. Finally feeling inspired again.
Bookmarking: Things to do with learning the mandolin, because I would like to.
Disliking: The lack of good TV in the evening although I could probably do without the distraction.
Opening: Bags of fabric waiting to be stitched up into costumes.
Giggling: At my kids, putting both legs in one leg hole and pretending to be mermaids, waddling around.
Feeling: Tired at the thought of how busy (but good) the next few weeks are going to be.
Snacking: On fruit, my attempt to be good in the run up to Christmas.
Coveting: A holiday in the sun it's been a few years now.
Wishing: I could be more confident sometimes.
Helping: Miss D to draw high heel shoes on her picture of a lady.
Hearing: The wind outside, it really is quite a gale.

4 July 2014

Banana bread and Brooches.

I seem to be making at least one banana loaf a week at the moment. One minute my kids can't seem to get enough of bananas and the next they are repulsed by them. Not that I'm complaining mind, it's pretty tasty. The basic recipe is from River Cottage Baby and Toddler Cookbook , although I've started to use less oil than stated in recipe and a mix of wholemeal and white flower and it tastes just as good. I think next time I'll reduce the sugar too. It doesn't have masses of sugar, but as I'm making it(and eating it with the kids so often), a little less sugar wouldn't hurt. I'll let you know how that goes.

In crafty news, well I've been quite busy in the craft room again. I think I've got my mojo back, yay! Miss D is starting school after the summer break, little C has one year before nursery. So I guess I've been starting to think more about my work future. A lot of the work I produce can be quite labour intensive and so not very viable in terms of sales. I've never been great at compromising on what I love to make. But...I have a few new products in the pipe line which are a bit more lets say, produce-able which I still love. I'll tell you more about that soon!

Lady brooches, look!!! I love needle felting. I had always fancied having a go but never got around to buying a kit. Then I was randomly and very kindly given a starter kit by my Sister in law. Oh joy! I already had a decent stock of wool tops as I've hand felted in the past. Do you like them? They are not exactly quick to make, but so much fun. I love that they all have a certain personality. I'll definitely be making a few for the shop, so stay tuned.

There's more coming from the craft room soon. I'll be in touch. x

24 October 2013

Fun on the Farm

We missed our trip to Lismore earlier this year. Little C was unwell so we had to postpone. It was worth the wait though and so lovely to be there at this time of year. It was cold and blustery but so sunny and fresh. It was a joy to go out for walks with the family splashing in some very muddy muddles and combing the beach for treasures, Miss D came home with quite a stash of shells and stones, I'm still finding them in my pockets a week later! 

For those who don't know Lismore, it is a small Island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland. We have family there and try to visit at least once a year. We were having such a great time that we stayed for an extra day, a few extra days would have been even better.

Unfortunately we had to come home so that I could get back to work. I've been working on a substantial costume order, lots and lots of 16th and 17th century shirts and smocks. I feel like I have been living in a cloud of white fabric for the past few weeks and it's the reason that I have been away from my blog of late. I;m trying to pop in when I can although panto work has just arrived in my stitchy corner so I may disappear again. I do miss Away With The Clouds when I have costume work taking up my time, but oh the joy of colour and sparkly panto fabric after all of that white, white, white! 

The pantomime this year is Beauty and the Beast at Stirling's Macrobert theatre,Nov 27th-Jan 5th.


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